¿Cómo cuidar el cabello rubio? Estos 4 tips lo mantendrán hermoso y sano
abril 27, 2018Girls always ask to me how to care for blonde hair and guess what? Today I'll tell you guys how to do it!
Tips para cuidar el cabello rubio
Tip 1: Lava tu cabello con champú morado
When you decide to become in blonde through dyes and discolorations you must understand that to maintain a platinum-blond color or dusky cutie you must forget to use a traditional shampoo, because these contain chemical components that generate a drag effect of the Color, leaving your hair so orange and you know how ugly hair looks like that. In this post I explained which is the shampoo that I personally use and you can get in any mall or hair care store, but another trick that I use very often when I finish the purple shampoo is to wash my hair with a chamomile shampoo (yes baby is better because They are less aggressive) with a few drops of Gentian Violet, a tincture of plant origin that is sell in pharmacies and is the lowest cost that exists on Earth. It's even more effective than the purple shampoo itself, so use it with full security, Babys.
Tip 2: Hidrata tu cabello con aceite de argán
El segundo paso que debes cumplir para mantener un cabello blondie de 10 es hacerte hidrataciones una vez por semana, especialmente si te has decolorado varias veces el cabello. Cuando digo hidratar el cabello no me refiero a usar mascarillas ni cremas, sino aceites esenciales como el de ricino que además de regenerar cada fibra, hará que tu cabello crezca muchísimo y aunque acá llevo extensiones, (ya saben que amo llevar el cabello cortito naturalmente) está científicamente comprobado que el aceite de ricino hace crecer el cabello, les dejo esta referencia para que lo vean con sus propios ojitos... (referencia aquí)
The second step you must try to keep a hair blondie of 10 is to make you moisturize once a week, especially if you have discolored several times the hair. When I say moisturize the hair I do not mean to wear masks or creams, but essential oils like castor oil that in addition to regenerating each fiber, will make your hair grow a lot and although here I have extensions, (you know I love to wear short hair Naturally) It is scientifically proven that castor oil makes hair grow, I leave this reference to see it with their own eyes... (Reference here)
Tip 3: No uses planchas, secadores ni rizadoras todos los días
El mayor que cometen las chicas con el cabello decolorado o muy rubio es usar planchas con mucha frecuencia, esto solo debilita aún más las fibras capilares y hacen que el cabello termine partiéndose y cayéndose. De hecho, si el cabello no te crece desde hace mucho es probable que la causa sea el uso desmedida de las planchas... Un buen truco es olvidarte del cabello extra liso, y llevarlo ondulado a lo Khloé Kardashian usando trenzas al momento de dormir, pero con el cabello seco. Ayúdate con un mousse para darle un acabado professional a tu hairstyle.
The big mistake girls are made after having bleached or very blonde hair is to use straightener
very often, this only weakens the capillary fibers and makes the hair end up and falling off. In fact, if your hair does not grow for long it is likely that the cause is the excessive use of the stragightener... A good trick is to forget the extra smooth hair, and bring it wavy to the Khloé Kardashian using braids at bedtime, but with dry hair. Help yourself with a mousse to give your hairstyle a professional finish.
Tip 4: Olvida las piscinas
(o cubre tu cabello cuando te bañes en ellas)
Ok, girls, I really know you must be screaming a big NO to this tip, buuuut keep calm and undertant something: pools contain so much chlorine that your hair will not only end up green, but extremely battered and chewy, so unless you wear a hat, don't get in the pool with your blonde hair PLEAASE.

9 comentarios
Cuidar de cabelo loiro deve dar um certo trabalho, mas vale a pena porque é lindo! :)
Thank you, honey!
BorrarGreat tips! I don't have blonde hair but I do have bleached hair so I have to take good care of my hair too! :)
ResponderBorrarThanks for the comment!
Thanks for sharing your tips! :)
ResponderBorrarShoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page
Thanks to you, dear!
ResponderBorrarGracias, Bego. ¡Un abrazo!
BorrarExcelentes tips!!
ResponderBorrarYa tienes una seguidora mas ...te invito visitar mi espacio :)
Gracias, Jely! Claro que sí, ya me paso por tu blog