OMG: Reaccionando a "This is América" de Childish Gambino
mayo 15, 2018
Donald Glover better know as Childish Gambino released his new single This is America and YouTube just broke his own record. Glover just broke the silence against American racism and everyone should to talk about this too.
This is America: We just want the money Money just for you (get your money black man)
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The intro of this is America puts you in context right away: This is a brilliant critique of racism and the Trump era.
Hay cierta simbología implícita en una de las muecas que hace Childish Gambino cuando dispara, y tiene que ver con una icónica representación de Jim Crow, un personaje que fue utilizado como una personificación racista que incluso llegó a dar concepto a las leyes de segregación racial estadounidenses...
There is some implicit simboligía in one of the grimaces that makes Childish Gambino when it shoots and has to do with an inconical representation of Jim Crow, "a character that was used as a racist personification that even came to give concept to the laws of American racial segregation...
Charleston church allusion?
Another memorable clip scene is that in which a group of black people dance and sing in a church, this is clearly an allusion to the murder at the Charleston church in 2015 at the hands of a white teenager.
Otra escena memorable del clip es esa en la que un grupo de personas negras bailan y cantan en una iglesia... Esto claramente es una alusión al asesinato en la iglesia de Charleston en 2015 a manos de un adolescente defensor de la supremacía blanca.
My reaction to this video was of satisfaction. I have always followed Childish's musical work, but this particular work is powerful, it is transcendent and it is necessary. He is an integral artist and his vision of the reality of the United States is transparent and shocking, in a positive way cause behind Hollywood spotlights, this is America.
Mi reacción ante este video fue de satisfacción. Siempre he seguido el trabajo musical de Childish, pero esta producción en particular es poderosa, es trascendente y es necesaria. Es un artista integral y su visión sobre la realidad de Estados Unidos es transparente y chocante, en un modo positivo. Y sí, detrás de los spotlights de Hollywood, esto es América.
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