

julio 04, 2019

Hi, guuuys. How are you today? I am very fine and litle bit crazy because I am gonna tell you a secret... If there's something I've always wanted to do is skateboarding, yeah, I know this could surprise you, but I always wanted to running over my skateboarding just like Avril Lavigne on that nice video Skater boy, do you remenber? Maybe I sound so 2000, but  I'd love it and I think I'll soon do that. I need some adventure in my life, haha. Ok, ok, in any case, today I want to share with you guys,  this review of a online place where  you can find some extremely cool  electric skateboards.

Where to find a cool Electric Skateboard ?

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ok, I was looking for some places on the internet and I found this one (Strailboard) that is a Chinese company that makes their own electric skateboards line, which I found very interesting.

Check it out the details here: Strailboard company

Among the features I found that these skateboards contain: 1 x Strailboard V2 Pro Board 1 x Wireless Remote 1 x Power Charger 1 x Skateboard Tool 1 x Rear LED Safety Light Another important thing is that they support a temperature of between 5 to 42 degree.

I like the idea of ​​the electric skateboard because everything is more automatic in this way. I think it's great that it has a remote control with which it can control the speed and everything in general and of course it has its battery and a safety certificate.

Another important thing is that the skateboard is made with bamboo which I love, although I would like to see more colorful skateboards, maybe some pink skateboard would be great for us the girls. Oh, I must also say that the speed is 20 kilometers per hour to 38 which seems comfortable and reasonable. Can you imagine me over all the speed with that skateboard, wearing a denim short and some converse? Uff, I can not wait to do it.

Imagen relacionada

In summary, these electric skateboards iseems  great and very good quality because they are fabricated with the best bamboo, so that to me is of great relevance because weak skateboards are a waste of time, you have to choose those that are resistant, and These seem to be. On the other hand, it is very cool that the shipping is free worldwide, you know that I always look for stores where I can have free shipping and this one has it. About the price, well, I was comparing between several stores and I think these ones have a good price because these are electric and Strailboard company says they make them by hand, that is a job that is worth a lot, so I feel that the price is fair, you who think?

I would like to know if you are a skateboards fans like me and if you are happy to have one or if you already have one. You know how much I love reading to your beautiful comments here and in my instagram. Would you like me to upload a look using these electric skateboards? Tell me in the comments and remember to visit StrailBoard to see in detail all the electric skateboards available now. I send you a hug, Bye.

Don´t forget to follow me on Instagram

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3 comentarios

  1. Nice article to know about different electric skateboards. I am using swagboard skateboard which is a cheap electric skateboard and easy to maintain. From this content, I came to know about other brands of electric skateboards and have decided to purchase a skateboard from starboard company. I have purchased a branded skateboard shoe.

  2. There Are Still Those That Can Afford To Ride One Of These Great Little Skateboards And The Great Thing About Them Is That They Can Be Adjusted To Fit Your Height And Weight. Get detailed info about electric skateboard on this site.

  3. Thanks for the post its very helpful now its easy to pick some best electric skateboards from market.
