noviembre 01, 2016![]() |
Leggins: Zaful |
A pesar de su resistencia a los leggins, muchas casas de moda no pudieron evitar integrarlos a sus colecciones y creo que eso mismo acaba de pasarme. Y es que desde que la euforia por esta prenda comenzara a contagiar a los amantes del Street Style, los leggins pasaron a ser los indiscutibles must have del armario femenino. Confieso que no era una fan empedernida de este tipo de pantaloncillos, pero la comodidad que brindan y la practicidad para combinarlos terminó de convencerme. Eso sí, formo parte de ese conglomerado de chicas que piensan que hay ciertas reglas para usar un leggin.
Since leggins start to be popular, many fashion houses could not evit to integrate them into their collections, and I believe that same just happened to me. And it is that since the euphoria for this garment started to catch the lovers of Street Style, the leggings became the undisputed must have of the female wardrobe. I have to confess that I wasn't a hopeless this type of shorts fan, but comfort afforded and practicality combined ended to convince me. but yes, I am part of this conglomerate of girls who think that there are certain rules for using a legging.
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Leggin: Zaful |
Cómo usar leggins
de las cosas más odiosas de la moda es ese afán de dar órdenes sobre lo
que debe o no debe usarse, pero hay reglas que definitivamente apoyo,
una de ellas es que los leggins deben usarse con una camisa o
camiseta larga o con una prenda atada a la cintura. Esto porque desde
luego, los legins son prendas que se adaptan perfectamente al cuerpo y
resulta importante cuidar estos detalles. Este modelo por ejemplo, es
súper original por el rasgado y funciona para crear un outfit
desenfadado y uno más elegante si lo usamos con zapatos de tacón alto y
un blazer largo. Es de la tienda online Zaful y admito que me encanta lo que venden, siento que son prendas lindas y a muy buen precio.
How to wear legging
One of the most odious things about fashion is this desire to give orders about what should or should not be used, sometimes i hate it, but there are rules that i definitely support, one of them is that the leggings should be used with a shirt or long t-shirt or a garment tied around the waist. This because certainly the legins are garments that adapt perfectly to the body and it is important to take care of these details.
This leggin, for example, works so good to create an styled and rebel
outfit, but you can wear it too with sandals and a blazer and you will
look so much sophisticated. This leggin is from Zaful, and i have to say that i love this online store, they have so much cute clothes and the prices are incredibles.
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Leggin: Zaful |
Por cierto, estoy obsesionada con hacerme este tipo de clinejas o trenzas. ¿Qué les parecen?
By the way, im so obsessed with these hairstyle. ¿Do you like it?
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Leggin: Zaful |
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Leggin: Zaful |
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Leggin: Zaful |
The best is Zaful have this beautyful leggins with 38% less. Go and take a look.
23 comentarios
You look so edgy. I love the leggings and your blog btw.
Thank you, María ;)
I love leggings and in the winter, I wear them almost every day! I love how comfortable they are and they come in amazing designs and colours! Lovely post!
Thank so much Yiotou ;) in my country is never winter :C
BorrarLove your top!
ResponderBorrarKisses, Paola.
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Thank you, Paola ;)
BorrarThank you so much, Mihaela
ResponderBorrarKisses :*
¡Me encanta!
ResponderBorrarLos has combinado super bien, y las fotos han quedado geniales!
Acabo de descubrir tu blog y aquí tienes una seguidora más, te invito a que te pases por el mío y te quedes si te gusta <3
Besos xx
Angela, muchas gracias. Me alegra que te haya gustado el blog. Ya me paso por el tuyo ;)
Borrargreat outfit! thank your for your comment...i follow you, too!
ResponderBorrarThanks to you, dear. Xoxo
BorrarEstás guapísima me encanta como has combinado todo:) Tienes un cuerpazo!
ResponderBorrarUn beso
Gracias, linda ;)
BorrarCool leggins! You look really pretty!
ResponderBorrarThank you, dear
I agree with you on leggings and I think you look great in on these legging. Nice outfit.
ResponderBorrarThanks for you visit on my blog. Following you back :)
Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡
Thank you, pretty ;) xoxo
ResponderBorraryou look beautiful. Have a nice day.
Nancy 😊
Hello, babe, thank you so much. ;)
BorrarI totally agree! Leggings are so versatile and comfy to wear. Thanks for sharing. :)
ResponderBorrarYes, Jenni, leggings are super cool to wear. Kisses
You're so cool! <3
Thank you poppy ;)